“Wanna Get A-Ouai” campaign with JetBlue
“Wanna Get A-Ouai” campaign featuring Ouai’s St. Barts-scented body products playing on JetBlue Inflight Entertainment System
Campaign Objectives
To create awareness of Ouai products using visuals to evoke a glamorous and sophisticated feel with quick visuals of fruits, St. Barts products and models in bathing suits using the products on beautiful beaches.
Spafax’s Solution
Play this 30-second ad as a pre-roll before on demand movies and TV shows giving passengers the opportunity to see the beautiful creative multiple times.
Solorzano (OUAI Director of Brand Marketing) said that, because Ouai wanted to connect the brand with elegant travel, the usual KPI metrics of views and sales lift did not apply. But Ouai did consider the partnership successful because it secured JetBlue’s entire fleet. Plus, there was an unexpected halo effect on social media of people posting an image of the ad and tagging the brand in response to seeing it on their flights. The St. Barts collection sold out twice during this period, although Solorzano said it was impossible to attribute that to its JetBlue ad directly. She declined to comment on the specific investment or cost for the ad, but she said it was cost-efficient, given the cost per million views and low barrier to entry.
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